Broadening Research Achievement in Neurosciences (BRAiN) for a Diverse Workforce

Undergraduate announcement: Deadline to submit applications: April 16, 2024

Program Description

Neuroscience is an area of exceptional strength at UC Irvine with the very first neuroscience department in the world founded here in 1965. The BRAiN program leverages this unique environment to increase the pool of UC Irvine undergraduates and community college students in biomedical neuroscience research to enter and excel in Ph.D. programs in the neurosciences and to become independent investigators and faculty role models for young underrepresented students. BRAiN participants spend two years being mentored and conducting research continuously. During their sophomore year, participants join the MSP training laboratory, which prepares them for conducting faculty-mentored research in UCI’s neuroscience laboratories. Participants also engage in advanced coursework in neuroscience, scientific writing and training in the responsible conduct of research.

Sponsored by NIH-NINDS R25NS112136



BRAiN scholars must be United States citizens or permanent residents. (A non-citizen national is a person who, although not a citizen of the U.S., owes permanent allegiance to the U.S. This is generally a person born in a land that is not a state, but that is under U.S. sovereignty, jurisdiction, or administration—for example, American Samoa). An individual lawfully admitted for permanent residence must possess an alien registration receipt card (I-551) prior to appointment on the grant.

Individuals on temporary visas, those seeking asylum or refugees, or those supported through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are not eligible for support through NIH NRSA programs.

BRAiN scholars must be UC Irvine undergraduate or community college student's majoring in the sciences, with a GPA of at least 3.0, with an expressed interest in a career in biomedical research and intentions to pursue graduate education leading to a Ph.D. or other Ph.D./combined professional.

Sophomore, junior and senior biology majors should have completed one year of chemistry with a grade B or better.

Research Training Areas

Students participating in the BRAiN program receive training in neuroscience research. BRAiN scholars may choose to participate in research experiences provided directly by the BRAiN program or they may choose their research advisor among faculty in the Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences or College of Medicine that are conducting basic (non-clinical) research in neurosciences.

Research areas include:

  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Genetics
  • Developmental Biology
  • Cell Biology
  • Neurobiology
  • Stem Cell
  • Among other areas related to neurosciences

Benefits, Responsibilities, and Timetable

The BRAiN program provides academic preparation and financial support as apprentice scientists in UC Irvine laboratory to gain laboratory skills and research experience.

BRAiN is an exciting and challenging academic experience. Selected participants receive the following benefits:

  • Mentoring and guidance by MSP program directors, UC Irvine faculty, graduate students and senior undergraduates pursuing neuroscience research careers
  • Introduction to laboratories in the UC Irvine Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences and School of Medicine
  • Academic and career advisement
  • Financial compensation as full-time employees in the summer and part-time during the academic year
  • Faculty seminar series where speakers share their experiences pursuing careers as independent investigators
  • Training in responsible conduct of research and quantitative skills
  • Financial support to present research findings at national conferences
  • Career planning and guidance to apply to research doctorate programs
  • Visits to graduate programs institutions

Fellows are expected to participate in all BRAiN activities designed for their level, including faculty seminars, laboratory workshops, tutoring, journal club, scientific communications workshops, local and national conferences, graduate school guidance and career and academic advisement. Bio Sci 194S Safety and Ethics course is mandatory prior to engaging in research training at UCI. Beginning in the sophomore year, BRAiN fellows are expected to enroll in the MSP Seminar Series (Bio 197) and continue during their participation in the program.

Program Directors

Dr. Luis Mota-Bravo

Dr. Luis Mota-Bravo
Director of Outreach
Research Training and Minority Science Programs (MSP)

Dr. Marlene De La Cruz

Dr. Marlene de la Cruz
Director of Student Academic Development
Minority Science Programs (MSP)

Dr. Marcelo A. Wood

Dr. Marcelo A. Wood
 Chair of the Department of Neurobiology
and Behavior

You may download the linked 2024-BRAiN Application which contains the BRAiN Application Form and Statement of Purpose Form


For additional information about BRAiN please contact:

Dr. Marlene de la Cruz
Director Academic Student Development
Outreach Research Training Minority Science Programs
University of California, Irvine
1134 Biological Sciences III
Irvine, CA 92697-2527
Ph: (949) 824-2589
Fax: (949) 824-6599